DEMO: VMware Workstation 6.5 BETA -> Unity feature

On my Ubuntu laptop I’ve installed the new VMware Workstation 6.5 beta 1. I just had to try the new Unity feature.

With a click on the unity button, all your guest windows are displayed on your hosts desktop as if they were part of this desktop. I create a little video with gtk-RecordMyDesktop to demo it to you. Unfortunately, when capturing the video from my desktop, the cpu spikes to 99% and the performance of the moving Windows is somewhat degraded. Also I’m not contect with the video quality after it is uploaded to YouTube.  Still I think its quite impressive to see what Unity can do.

On thing I forgot to demo is that you can view guest’s startmenu by placing your mousepointer in the upper left corner of the desktop on which VMware Workstation is active.