New blog layout

I’m proud to present you my new blog layout. I changed the theme to look like a “Film Noir”, a Private Investigator working in the deep of the night writing reports about what he just discovered. In the future I hope I can often present you articles that show you in depth in what’s going on in the virtualization industry.

Happy reading.

10 thoughts on “New blog layout

  1. Hi Gabe,

    pretty cool. I like. One more thing I would do on your place. That is the permalinks. You might lose some ranking for a posts you’ve done in the past but on the longterm is beneficial.


  2. I also seem to find it difficult to actually read some of the text. For instance the blogroll. Also the blacktext on the background isn’t really easy for the eyes…

    I do like the entire theme though! great idea, must been your girlfriend that came up with this one :-)

  3. I agree with Duncan. The reading is a bit difficult. I think the idea of the PI theme is excelent! realy love this one! thumbs up!

  4. Congratulations with your new design, nice theme you (or Brenda) came up with. For ease of reading I would have chosen not to use the wrinkly background, but that’s personal ;) cheers Gerben

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