When chatting with Alan Renouf about a PowerShell script, I wanted to run my PowerShell editor (which I run in a VMware View4 VDI session) under administrative rights. So I right clicked the editor, select “Run as Administrator†and then my session locked.
(Presentation) Design tips for VMware vSphere 4
Recently at the Belgium VMUG I gave a presentation in which I covered some design tips for VMware vSphere 4. I talked about some business decisions that, how boring they may seem, are crucial for your design. I covered some security requirements you should check with the security department of the organisation and of course advised good […]
List of VMware FT (Fault Tolerant) compatible CPUs
With VMware vSphere there is a new exiting function called VMware Fault Tolerant or VMware FT. With VMware FT you can protect a VM against failure by running this VM in lockstep with an exact copy on a different host. Every interrupt in the source VM is immediately replicated to the destination VM, which is […]
Things that make you go hmmm !!! [vSphere what's new]
When working with the beta of vSphere, I of course saw a lot of new big features. But I thought I’d show you some little changes that take away some of the annoyance I had when working with VI3 or just improved the usability with just little changes.
Hyper-V, not in my datacenter (part 3: Motions and storage)
In part 3 of this series, I want to shed a light on the difference between the types of Migration in ESX and Hyper-V and the differences in storage between the both of them. Although I think most of the readers know the differences, I will start with a brief summary. Hyper-V QuickMigration: When you […]