A great new feature of vSphere 5 is the possibility to run ESXi stateless. Long, long time ago when ESX 3.0 was hip, we would all install ESX on the local harddisk (or SAN disk). With ESX 3.5, the first ESXi version was released but only few were using it. With 4.x ESXi really got […]
VMware vCenter 4.1 GUI issue on shares
When checking a customers environment, I discovered a strange GUI issue in vCenter regarding CPU shares for a VM. I usually use a PowerShell script to check if the customer has set any limits, reservations or changed the default shares settings. With this customer I received a number of warnings about shares. I received the […]
Powershell: TimeSync in VMs and Windows w32time service settings
Customer of mine never heard about potential time sync problems in a virtual environment and when checking a number of VMs, I learned that they clearly had no default configuration for TimeSync in the VMware Tools. I decided to write a Powershell script that will list the VMware Tools setting for time sync and for […]
Power on VMs from ESXi command line
Ran into some stupid issue today. Don’t know why but suddenly I lost the storage of my homelab and all VMs had frozen and eventually crashed. Since my vCenter is running as a VM, it had gone too and I couldn’t manage my hosts anymore. Therefore I wanted to make a direct connection to the […]
Enabling VMware View PCoIP with dynamic IP address
Update: I have checked the script to work with VMware View 4.6, VMware View 5.0, VMware View 5.1 and VMware View Horizon 5.2. There was an update needed for the URL used to get the external IP address. Now using http://ifconfig.me/ip as URL. In Horizon View 5.2 there is a new URL, called the Blast […]