A lot of people try to figure out how HA calculates the failover level. I already did know that VC 2.0 use a slot size based on max cpu and memory for the “worst” VM,but this article by “Virtual Geek” explains everything into great detail. Very very good read !!
I manage a 43 host 460 VM environmet in two managed clusters. I am upgrading the hardware in one with 32 hosts. I am looking for information on best reccomended Vc Cluster design for a ESX 3.5 infra,Gotchas etc. I will be heavy on hardware I just want to chat with someone with Large Enterprise experience. I was just hired to mange this environment and I will soon have Global responsibuilty that will double the footprint. Anyway don’t know if you have any insight to point me in a direction. I am taking the advanced Install/design class next month.