When I was writing an installation document on vSphere I thought and have some friends on twitter check the doc and comment on it. I received a lot of responses and decided to make a blog post out of it, so here it is.
Bug in VMware HA admission control when using DPM
For my home lab I’m always testing several configs, creating VMs, removing VMs, reinstalling hosts and breaking them on purpose. Sometimes I have 40 VMs running and a week later I’m down to just 5. This week I stumbled upon something strange when cleaning up unused VMs. On my 3 hosts cluster I had enabled […]
News from VMware's Partner Exchange Keynote
Twitter is a great tool if you’re not in Vegas and still want to know what happened at VMware’s Partner Exchange. All the info posted below is info I picked up from twitter, so be aware that not everything is double checked !!! Please do use the comments section to correct or add info :-)
Homelab for VCP and VCDX
If you want to study for your VCP or VCDX exams, you really need a lab in which you can test what the study material is talking about. Hopefully you have a test environment at work that you can use, but if not, this blog post will help you put together your own homelab. Before […]
About ESXi lockdown mode
When you build your virtual infrastructure with only ESXi hosts that you also lock down for security reasons, you might be in for a little surprise when you want to get your VI up and running again after major maintenance or a failure. First thing to do after the virtual infrastructure has been down, is […]