Today I was drawn to this blog post from Microsoft: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Release Candidate! (Free Live Migration/HA Anyone?). This post confirmed what was expected, Microsoft will be offering Live Migration for free when Hyper-V v2 will be released. This will sureley put some pressure on VMware vSphere pricing or not? If we […]
When myth busting goes wrong and becomes a myth to bust it self
Today I saw a video posted by Microsoft that should have shown a number of myths busted about VMware ESX. Unfortunately it turned out to be wrong on a number of points and it made me angry, why can’t we play it fair. With Hyper-V, I think MS has quite a good product for a […]
Hyper-V, not in my datacenter (part 3: Motions and storage)
In part 3 of this series, I want to shed a light on the difference between the types of Migration in ESX and Hyper-V and the differences in storage between the both of them. Although I think most of the readers know the differences, I will start with a brief summary. Hyper-V QuickMigration: When you […]
New Microsoft licensing when using VMotion
Up until yesterday, if you wanted to be the best boy of the class, you would have to license your virtual Windows and a number of well known applications (SQL, Exchange, SharePoint, and others) for each host the Virtual Machine could possibly land on. So, if you have a ESX cluster of 16 hosts and […]