Like every year the Dutch VMUG will be held on December 10th in Nieuwegein. And also like every year the agenda is packed with high quality sessions. These well known Dutch bloggers will all do a great presentation: (Richard) (Duncan) (Frank) (Gabrie) (Eric Sloof) And of course we have some […]
vSphere Quickstart Guide (with Alan Renouf) released on Amazon
vSphere 4.0 Quick Start Guide continues from an idea started several years ago by a few engineers. The idea was simple, provide an easy to use reference guide for all level administrators, consultants and architects. Recently VMware introduced many new features in vSphere 4.0 and with this handy pocket guide you will learn about each of these new features. With each chapter, the pages in this essential guide will answer common questions while giving you unprecedented insight into: Expert tips & tricks Pitfalls to avoid RemoteCLI & PowerCLI (PowerShell) scripts Configuration how to’s Virtualization best practices
vSphere Quickstart Guide by the Magnificent Six
Duncan from had a dream and in that dream Six great VMware minds would work together as one to help all VMware admins worldwide to build a better virtual infrastructure. Sounds like a fairytale doesn’t it? Well, this is one that isn’t too good to be true. Duncan really succeeded in writing a book […]