Last week my user account was constantly locked out after 4hrs. I had just changed my password and I immediately guessed there most be some service somewhere for which I had used my account, but where. First I searched through the Active Directory and did indeed find the account lock events, but they only told […]
Installation vCenter Inventory Service hangs forever
Recently I was installing an additional VMware vCenter Server in an environment in which I had replaced all default certificates with official CA certificates and ran into an issue where installation of the VMware vCenter Inventory Service kept hanging when communicating with the VMware SSO server. In the installation wizard of VMware vCenter Inventory Service […]
Be carefull with VMware SSO Master password bug
This week I installed a fresh vSphere 5.1 Update 1 environment and I wanted to configure it will real world certificates to get rid of all those “Do you really really reeeeeally accept this insecure website” messages. Using the VMware SSL Certificate Automation Tool I generated all the new certificates and then started changing the certificate […]
How to move VMware Single Sign On (SSO) database
Customer had all his VMware databases for vCenter Server, Update Manager, Single Sign On (SSO), vCloud Director and vCenter Chargeback running on one big SQL Server where they shared resources with other databases. They asked me to move the databases to a new MS SQL Server because the load of the VMware databases was more […]
vCenter SSO changes when demoting domain controller
I’m still getting used to the important part vCenter SSO (Single Sign-On) is playing in vSphere 5.1. In my home lab I was switching domain controllers from W2k8 to Windows 2012. Transferred FSMO roles, integrated DNS, changed IP addresses for DNS on all servers and all seemed fine. My w2k8-dom01 server was demoted and removed. […]