Duncan Epping received an email from Hari Krishnan who is a Senior Product Manager at VMware. Hari has created a survey and is looking for feedback from our customers. Not only will you be helping VMware out, you will also help out a charity organisation which will receive $ 10 for every response for the first 1000 respondents. So please donate 15 minutes of your time!
Hello SRM users,
The VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) product team is looking for product feedback on SRM deployments. If you have purchased SRM, we would like to hear from you. Your participation will be very valuable to us and the information you provide will be used to improve the SRM product going forward.
You can provide your feedback by completing the survey. The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes and will expire on June 10, 2010. Please note that this survey is for SRM customers only. Upon completion of the survey, if you are among the 1st 1000 respondents, VMware will donate $10 per response to charity. You will also receive a link to download the electronic copy of Mike Laverick’s book “Administering VMware Site Recovery Manager 4.0″ upon completion of the survey.
We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback.
Thank you,
The VMware SRM Team
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